Coffee And our Love for it

coffee and our love for it
coffee beans smell amazing!!!

Coffee and our love for it , We as a humans have been drinking coffee for approximately 500 years. The first creidble record of coffee dates back to the 15th century to the country of Yemen. Coffee beans were first roasted and brewed, in a similar fashion as we do today. So lets fast forward to the .17th,18th and 19th centuries. .

Coffee and its economic influence

coffee and our love for it
coffee is an amazing way to make money from home, Check out our great rewards that you can also obtain.

AS we know , Coffee has been around for 500 years. What alot of us dont know. Is how coffee has had an ecomonic affect throughout the history, of the worlds economies. It takes years for the plant to be ready to produce. In or around 1720’s,Coffee seedlings were brought to Martinique, In the Caribbeans. The seedlings were planted and some 50 years later. They had almost 19000 coffee trees. Hence in the French Territory in Haiti, The cultivation of coffee started around 1788. At this time this was half of the worlds coffee production. Thus coffee has been around the trans continental journey. And by 1773, In the United States , soon after the boston tea party, Patrotic americans began to drink coffee and not drink the tea brought in from Britian, They felt it was unpatriotic to drink tea.

In the 20th century. Before the Beegning of WW ll, Latin America was on the verge of economic collapse. Europe was consuming a very large portion Coffee. When the war started, Latin America lost almost 40 percent of its market share.

coffee and our love for it
This awesome snap plos is fantabulous in Coffee.

From 1850 till 1950, Brazil, Was the world’s largest coffee producer, Producing more at the time ,than the world combined.

Now with the advent of newer styles of coffee, Such as, lattes, frappuccinos. The cheaper beans are know as Robusta, and they tend to have more caffeine than the more expensive coffee bean.

Coffee and its Health Benifits

Nor did i know,Their were so many health benifts from drinking coffee, They go all the way from Energy and Mental Boost. To lowering the risk of having a Degenerative Menatal Diseases. I have found 13 benifits in all.

Coffee and the bad effects

As coffee has good health benefits, Coffee can also be bad for your health. Women that are pregnant, People with blood sugar issuses, and also blood pressure issues also avoid coffee if having trouble falling asleep , eityher cut back on , try decaffeinated ,

coffee and our love for it
Having trouble falling asleep because YOU drank to much Coffee (lol)This marvelous snap not only helps you go to sleep , and help with the inches around the waist while you sleep.

Coffee supplements

Most coffee supplements , They have sugars, and other non healthy things put in them, to make them taste better, Well friend, Taste isn’t always where it’s at. These supplements will never hold up to what we have to offer, try this product , and you will see the benefits for your health , also weight lose, just put this snaps liquied into your favorite Coffee, Tea , or what ever it is you drink.